Training Workshops.
KD Psychology training workshops have been developed as part of a comprehensive program designed to target a range of criminogenic risk/needs that are empirically linked to reoffending in youth. The activities and resources included have been designed in a manner to be responsive to individual risk/needs, allowing the facilitator to select worksheets/activities relevant to each young person. We know that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is ineffective in reducing reoffending for youth and the training workshops ensure a range of options for delivering content that is responsive to individual learning styles/needs, culture, and cognitive limitations, to optimise the benefits of the strategies included.
Online or in-person, the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI 2.0) is one of the most commonly used and widely researched instruments for risk/needs assessment in young offenders. Following the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) Model of offender rehabilitation, the YLS/CMI 2.0 identifies risks and strengths of young offenders and assists in the development of an evidence-based case management plan. Presented by one of only 17 Master Trainers in the world, this workshop will train you in the use of the YLS/CMI 2.0 while earning 7.5 hours of valuable Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
7.5 hrs | Online or in-person
Offence Mapping
Understanding patterns of behaviour, particularly offending/antisocial behaviour, can assist in the identification of high-risk situations that allow for risk management strategies to be developed and implemented. This workshop introduces offence-mapping (chain analysis) and involves hands-on, practical activities and demonstrations for staff on how to effectively obtain information (forensic interviewing) and generate offence maps with young people. The activities and examples used are grounded in the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and include a range of delivery options to be responsive to culture, young people with cognitive limitations, and different learning styles.
2.5 hrs | Online or in-person
Addressing Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) and Healthy Relationships
Introductory workshop that focuses primarily on providing resources and ideas for how to effectively address issues of family and domestic violence and healthy relationships with youth involved in the justice system (victims and perpetrators). The workshop involves hands-on, practical activities and demonstrations for staff on how to deliver a range of brief interventions and activities and to facilitate discussions with young people. In line with best practice, the workshop adopts a rehabilitative approach and is grounded in the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) with psychoeducation, skills training, modelling of prosocial behaviour, and challenging antisocial beliefs and attitudes identified as risk factors for FDV and unhealthy relationship behaviours in adolescence.
2.5 hrs | Online or in-person
Improving RNR Practice Through Responsivity
Responsivity is a key element of the Risk-Need-Responsivity framework of effective intervention for forensic populations. However, it is often overlooked and poorly implemented into practice. This workshop aims to increase participant understanding of the responsivity principle and how to effectively implement it into risk assessment and management practices with youth offenders. With a particular focus on cultural responsivity and working with youth with cognitive impairments, this workshop will provide you with strategies and resources to improve interviewing, assessment, and intervention approaches.
7.5 hrs | Online or in-person
Addressing Unhelpful (High-Risk) Thinking
This workshop expands on the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to specifically focus on identifying and challenging unhelpful (high-risk) thought patterns. The activities and strategies are designed to be responsive to young people with cognitive limitations, different learning styles, and cultural backgrounds. As an area of work that can be particularly difficult due to the complexities of thought processes, this workshop is designed to provide staff with a range of options to assist young people in their ability to understand and identify unhelpful thought patterns, which is necessary to change high-risk thinking.
2.5 hrs | Online or in-person
Formulating Offending Behaviour: Critical Analysis of Information
Formulation of client behaviour is a key element in assessing risk, predicting circumstances under which the risk is likely to be most salient, and identifying recommendations or strategies to mitigate or manage the risk. This introductory workshop incorporates the principles of forensic interviewing to assist in gathering information and critical analysis to develop accurate formulation of offending behaviour. Using several case studies, participants will develop an understanding of how to effectively examine offence details to identify key risk factors and patterns of behaviour.
2.5 hrs | Online or in-person